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Narrowcasting in Thought Leadership | Org TL Minute


When it comes to thought leadership, I’m a big believer in narrowcasting.

Social media draws us towards a broadcasting mindset. We start chasing big metrics: views, likes, reach, and impressions. And while those numbers can be satisfying for the ego, they’re actually pretty lousy ways to measure relevance to our target audience.

In narrowcasting, we assume that our thought leadership will be uninteresting or irrelevant to 99.99% of the world. And rather than fearing that metric, we embrace it. We create content which will be highly targeted to a very small number of people.

Narrowcasting focuses on key decision makers and influencers. It helps open doors and creates opportunities for conversations.

And when we do narrowcasting right, our target audiences will feel like we’re in the room already with them talking to them about subjects they care about deeply. They become more likely to listen to what we have to say, adopt our way of thinking, and even become buyers. Now, I’m not suggesting that we abandon broadcasting strategies. What I’m saying is when we chase mass audiences and big metrics, we dilute the relevance and quality of our thought leadership. Therefore, it’s important to also set aside time to narrowcast our thought leadership to the most important members of our target audience.

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Bill Sherman works with thought leaders to launch big ideas within well-known brands. He is the COO of Thought Leadership Leverage. Visit Bill on Twitter

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