Transcript Hi, this is Peter Winick. I'm the founder and CEO at Thought Leadership Leverage,…
Are You Enterprise Ready?
This is Peter Winick. I’m the founder and CEO of Thought Leadership Leverage and I want to ask you a question. Are you enterprise ready? It’s a yes or no question. Either you are or you aren’t. But establishing your platform for enterprise is rarely that easy.
First, let’s define what I mean by enterprise readiness. Enterprise readiness means taking your existing content and ideas and transforming them from a traditional medium into new modalities. For example, you just finished a book. Enterprise readiness takes the ideas in your book and transform them into blogs, video content, and speaking opportunities. As we talk about enterprise readiness, I’d like to focus on three pieces.
#1 – How well do you attract clients?
That’s your marketing.
#2 – How well does your sales engine perform?
And #3 – Do you deliver what your clients want to consume?
That’s your product mix.
So first, let’s talk about marketing. How are you positioned? How is your brand represented? Does your website marketing collateral do a great job of supporting you as an individual speaker, author, or thought leader? Does it do an equally good job when it comes to telling the story of your content being offered and deployed at an enterprise level? Are your marketing efforts doing the job they should telling the story that they need to in order to generate the type of business that you desire?
Next, we will take a look at all of your managing your pipeline? Are you taking advantage of all the opportunities that come your way from a sales perspective? What we find is often the sales processes are not optimized and there is much room for improvement in this area of a thought-leaders business.
The third thing we’ll take a look at is your productization process. How exactly are you taking your content and converting it into a state-of-the-art solution that is aligned with the expectation of a sophisticated enterprise buyer? Is the caliber and quality of what you’re producing up to the standards of a rapidly changing highly technologically influenced market?
Oftentimes, what we will find is that thought leaders are fantastic at creating new and innovative content but struggle productizing derivative offerings of their work. As part of the enterprise readiness engagement, we will provide you with a detailed scorecard of the current state of your operations across many essential dimensions. This will help you clearly understand where you are and where you need to go and how best to prioritize what might feel a bit overwhelming. It gives you all of the information that you need in a clear and concise way at your fingertips. No mumbo-jumbo, no consultant speak. Just straightforward rankings and recommendations of where you are and what you need to do to get where you’d like to be.
The enterprise market is the holy grail of monetization as it relates to content. It has its own set of requirements that need to be addressed across the marketing sales and product development sides of your business. And enterprise readiness assessment is exactly what you need if you’d like to win in that market. It can be incredibly rewarding to a thought leader intrinsically and of course, financially. If you’d like to learn more, please contact us today and we’d be happy to set up a time to speak with you.