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Research, Frameworks, and White Papers

On this page, you will find our original research, frameworks, and white papers on thought leadership.

Business Book ROI Study

Between April and August 2024, four author service organizations—Amplify Publishing Group, Gotham Ghostwriters, Smith Publicity, and Thought Leadership Leverage—collaborated with former Forrester SVP Josh Bernoff to conduct a survey of 350 business and nonfiction authors. The study aimed to assess the key factors that contribute to a positive return on investment (ROI) for authors pursuing book projects. Bernoff, along with TLL’s COO Bill Sherman and Organizational Psychologist Dr. AJ Marsden, designed the survey based on a previous pilot study for Bernoff’s book Build a Better Business Book. Of the respondents, 301 had published a nonfiction book, with two-thirds being repeat authors.

This is a webinar about our study on the ROI of Business Books. We shared preliminary findings prior to publishing our report where you can find detailed information about the study.

Data-Driven Thought Leadership

Thought leadership needs to add to the conversation among a community.
It cannot simply recycle the same old truisms as “new”.

Therefore, we believe thought leadership must:

  • Provide fresh insights
  • Serve the needs of its audience
  • Speak clearly through both word & image
  • Provide useful insights and tools
  • Provide fresh insights
  • Serve the needs of its audience
  • Speak clearly through both word and image
  • Provide useful insights and tools

Thought leadership doesn’t need to compete with just books and articles. It must compete with generative AI.

We believe in data-driven thought leadership. Not every piece of thought leadership requires original research, but it becomes a key differentiator.

We take the following approach when creating frameworks, validating assessments, or conducting research studies:

  • Solid research methods,
    Hypothesis testing,
  • Speak clearly through both word & image
  • Provide useful insights and tools
  • Solid research methods,
  • Hypothesis testing,
  • Statistical analysis, (e.g., factor analyses and multiple regression, etc.) and
  • Business sense making
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