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See what our clients have said about our work!

“Peter Winick and Bill Sherman offered a wide array of actionable paths to promote my new book Another Day in Paradise: The Handbook of Retirement Income. For those on the cusp of retirement and their advisors, the book shows retirement income objectives to achieve. It then analyzes the galaxy of retirement income generation methods to do so.

Whether you’re trying to monetize your knowledge base, push forward a movement, or powerfully spread knowledge about a topic of national importance, Peter and Bill design genuinely implementable plans to achieve your mission.

No consultant-fluff here. Just sensible-yet-creative campaigns supported by specific, well-defined implementation steps. And, if you wish, staff to assist in the actual implementations, whether B2B or B2C.
After listening to—and even helping you formulate—precisely what it is you wish to achieve, TLL will present for your consideration a set of opportunities from which to choose to achieve your desired end result. A lovely “problem” to have!

You may well have a skill set in the top 1% of your field. Capitalize on that by enlisting the counsel of individuals with deep expertise in the field of promoting those with deep expertise. I recommend TLL.”

“In the first quarter of 2025, Fast Company will publish my book “CERTAINTY: How Great Bosses Can Change Minds and Drive Innovation.”

I realize I was your oddest client with no money to go further and no desire for fame or fortune. My goal, you may recall, was to spread the word on new and easier ways to lead people. I had to scrimp, but I’ve slowly built my social media on the blueprint you gave me in your sessions.

As an aside, I haven’t seen anything new in the leadership field in ten years. Feels like we are dead in the water to me.

My approach aligns leadership practices to fit human nature (rather than forcing platitudinal leadership theory on people.) Bill, I do base it on cognitive science, but I don’t lead with that. ; >)

Since we talked, I’ve piloted some of my novel change management approaches at the State Department. The outcomes were striking, so it’s finally time to launch my book.

Thank you, Bill and Peter, for giving me the foundation to do it!”

Mike Mears

“I’m a skeptical person. And my BS meter is pretty sensitive. Give me evidence, give me good analysis, lay out clearly what outcomes will be and what steps will be needed to get there. It’s how I run my own consultancy, but I’m honestly often disappointed by the unsubstantiated claims made by so many businesses out there.

So what a relief it has been to partner up with Peter and Bill. Everything they have ever said has resonated as truth. They have seen right through to weakness (stuff I’ve been patching together with duct tape and a prayer) and strengths (IP that can be transformed into various products that are scalable and give me significantly improved revenue streams). I’ve been super impressed with everything they have suggested (and slightly ashamed at what I have been putting off until later), and look forward to working with them more in the future.”

“I wanted to express my gratitude for delivering the webinars and sharing crucial information on thought leadership. Please feel free to reach out to me if there’s anything I can assist you with. Thought leadership not only boosts a brand’s reputation but also strengthens customer loyalty and fosters industry collaboration. Therefore, it is pivotal for professionals and organizations alike to actively engage in thought leadership activities.

Once again, thank you for the webinars, and I look forward to any future opportunities to learn from your expertise.”

“Peter and company helped us understand how to take our loose ideas and package them up into something meaningful we can sell. Also, easy to work with and they totally get the biz! After working with Peter and his team, I can tell you we got exactly what we were hoping for: experienced, expert advice on how to grow our thought leadership into a revenue-producing platform. We’re excited about the road ahead and having them with us! Peter has the best dad jokes, zoom backgrounds and invoicing schedule. Highly recommend! haha”

I have been impressed with Thought Leadership Leverage and their approach to bringing big ideas to the world. Peter and Bill have been amazing partners to work with. The depth and breadth of their wisdom on how to bring a big idea to market is impressive. If you are thinking about hiring them, stop thinking and just do it! You won’t regret it.

“As a business consultant myself, I am always a little skeptical and cautious when choosing partners to help me develop my own business. From initial email to assessment of my forthcoming thought leadership work and the potential in the field, Bill and Peter worked to understand my voice and message. I felt heard, seen, and supported throughout the process. More importantly, I feel confident and more anchored in the thought leadership I’m creating and the vision of what’s possible. ”

“Wow, wow, and wow. Peter and Bill quickly immersed themselves in our business and added value from day one. As an extension of our senior team, they brought experience, expertise and thoughtful perspectives to every interaction. With energy and enthusiasm, TLL helped us simplify complexity and identify the gems in our platform to scale future growth. What a gift they are to anyone who has something important to share with the world. Thanks, team!”

Next Element was launched during the 2008 recession, on a dream and a prayer. We’ve survived for 14 years by providing great service. But as they say, what got you here won’t get you there. This is where Peter, Bill, and TLL come in. We’ve used consultants before, but none have truly understood us like TLL. Nobody else has been able to cut to the core of what is holding us back, guide us on what we can do differently to reach our goals, and leverage our strengths so effectively along the way. Half way through the exploration/diagnostic phase, we had already applied some of Peter’s and Bill’s suggestions and generated 4x ROI on our initial engagement. TLL knows their stuff, and are terrific partners for taking your thought leadership to the next level. With TLL on our team, I feel so much more hopeful about our mission of bringing more compassion to every workplace.

I have known Peter for many years and have always been impressed with his thoughts and insights on the Thought Leadership market.  I recently engaged with Bill and Peter to support me and my company as we transition from providing strategies and solutions to individual leaders to providing lasting and impactful change to organizations as a whole.  Their insights, support and way of engaging has been second to none,  They bring a deep expertise coupled with genuine enthusiasm to the table which has been greatly appreciated and super impactful.  They are true to their name.  If you are looking to leverage your thought leadership and take it to the next levels, Peter and Bill are a must.

I needed a strategy for my business. After three other firms failed to deliver good advice, I was skeptical about hiring Peter and Bill at Thought Leadership Leverage. Their “thought leader” focus was impressive, and their references spoke in glowing terms. I decided to take the plunge.

Peter and Bill are the real deal. We reviewed my work, my goals, and my constraints. They delivered a comprehensive strategy that found the intersection of what the market needs, my expertise, and my networks.

Their decades of helping thought leaders monetize their intellectual property makes them second to none at identifying multiple business models and sources of leverage. I highly recommend them.

In my thought leadership practice, I’ve always been a one-man band — protective of my material, and reluctant to partner. What a gift to now have the expertise and creativity of Peter and Bill and team. I’ve never felt so thoroughly heard and understood. I showed Peter and Bill’s strategy document to my family, and they said you would be crazy not to partner with Thought Leadership Leverage. They were right. This one goes on my short list of “best decisions ever.”

I recently engaged TLL to help me think through my consulting firm’s future and business model , spurred by the upcoming publication of my book, Full Contact Performance: The Internal Art of Organizational Collaboration.

Peter Winick and Bill Sherman did an excellent job of listening to my priorities and interests, and learning about the inner workings of my firm’s approach, the book and the unique intellectual property we’ve developed over the years. From this thoughtful research, they formulated a clear and compelling blueprint for the future that can take my firm and my own thought leadership to an entirely new level. I’ll be continuing my engagement with TLL to assist me in building out some of elements of the blueprint. These guys know their stuff and they also know how to get into their clients shoes and chart a meaningful path forward.

After varying degrees of success since launching my business in 2009, it was beyond time to kick things up a notch or two … or 10.

The interesting (and damaging) thing about operating in a vacuum is that there’s no one to say, “Hey Sean, there’s a much better way of doing things that result in more significant Win-Win scenarios for you and your customers.”

Enter Peter and Bill from Thought Leverage Leadership (TLL).

IF you’re open to fresh perspectives that work, and willing to execute as prescribed, there’s really no other way to go than to engage with TLL. Their vast years of experience, knowledge, and success uniquely position them to ‘see what others miss.’

Peter and Bill reviewed all of my IP – there’s a ton of it – asked all of the right questions over multiple discussions, listened intently, then delivered a strategic plan that was spot on. Thankfully I was all ears at that point, and the blueprint they provided sang to me like nothing else previously.

I’m not skeptical of new offerings, but definitely discerning. My only mistake was not engaging with these pros earlier as I’d be further ahead with my business – playing at the enterprise level where I should have been all along – and in a much better position professionally, personally, and financially.

Sure, there’s others out there. However, after considering all options, I’m thrilled I made the choice I did. In this business owner’s eyes, they’re the Real Deal and I couldn’t recommend them any more highly.

I highly recommend the Thought Leadership Leverage team and wish there were better words to say how transformative it has been to work with them.

When I decided I might have some unique ideas and wanted to start my own company, I didn’t know how to get from ideas to reality. Working with Peter, Bill, and their fantastic team has honed my thought leadership and offerings. With the extensive help of TLL, I have been able to define my thought leadership, prepare the go-to-market offerings, and have things like a strategy, a company name, and even a logo.

This is way above par one-stop shopping, and I am so grateful that TLL has helped me take the leap into this new world while having their wisdom, guidance, and expertise to make this transition both more secure and fruitful.

I will also note that all of the TLL folks are good people that are enjoyable to work with. They are also experts in their area and incredibly knowledgeable and well-read on business, thought leadership, and emerging trends (and while I can’t prove it – I think they know just about everyone).

Signing up with TLL is the best business move I have made.

Peter and Bill’s model, system, and process make a misunderstood and ambiguous concept (thought leadership) into a strategy you can use to really drive a business, in many ways. I enjoyed my time working with them, and they gave me the insight and push I need to take things in a new exciting direction.

Peter and Bill brought new insights to my approach to making and impact through my work. They took my thinking in directions I would not have gotten to without them.

Thought Leadership Leverage opened up opportunities we had never dreamed of. Their deft analysis and clear direction have brought fresh meaning and vigor to our business. An absolute no-brainer.

Peter and Bill were extremely helpful in advancing my thinking around my IP resulting in broadening my perspective of the potential and market for my work. The process gave me actionable priorities to pursue and a path forward.

Having Bill and Peter collaborate with me to develop a growth strategy was a game changer for my business. I’ve invested in many other initiatives for my business over the years but this gave me the clarity I needed to take it to the next level in a smart and insightful way. They have gone above and beyond and I’m looking forward to continuing to work with them.

Peter and Bill have a gift that I encourage other thought leaders to explore. They have the ability to deftly assess and analyze not only the current state of your content and thinking but to peer into the future to provide rich ideas that will improve your overall strategy. I love the duo’s approach as well as the way in which they don’t waste time providing value.

One of the best investments I have made in my business was a recent strategy engagement with the Thought Leadership Leverage team.  As I come up on the 2nd anniversary of my business launch, I knew I wanted to get a better focus on where I wanted my business to go and how I wanted to spend my time to ensure I was doing the work I set out to do – what I’m really good at, what I love to do, and where I know there’s a need.  Peter and Bill helped me refocus on what my differentiator is and how I use my passion and ideas in this area towards a more targeted platform and offerings.

When I started my role heading up AARP’s Global Thought Leadership work, I had one goal in mind: to make it easier for business leaders and policy makers everywhere to understand the power of inclusion and the value and contributions of an aging society. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Peter and Bill who have been instrumental in creating a thought leadership community of organizations and practitioners to share promising practices and take our thought leadership field to the next level. These sessions coupled with direct engagements with Peter and Bill have sharpened my focus as a leader, crystalized our global thought leadership strategy and accelerated our ability to change how the world views and values aging.

Peter and Bill are the thought leadership experts you want on your team. They are creative, encouraging, to-the-point, and know their business inside and out. I came to them with a project that had been languishing in the “this is a great idea I should do something with” notebook for years. In the space of a few weeks, they had worked with me to develop clear next steps, a coherent structure, and (most importantly in my mind) the perspective on how the idea can become a self-sustaining thought leadership business. Working with Thought Leadership Leverage is an investment absolutely worth making.

Peter and Bill’s strategic review with our team was a helpful addition to our thinking. They helped us identify our best IP assets and pushed us to think about new opportunities. It was the push we needed to further develop our business offerings.

The Thought Leadership Leverage team Peter Winick and Bill Sherman were absolutely invaluable in helping the Doerr Institute team analyze our movement in higher education, and set the right goals to scale and move forward. They were both highly creative and sensibly pragmatic, and dramatically improved the vision and thinking of each of our 10 team leaders. Anyone with an interest in a creative venture would benefit markedly from Peter and Bill’s engagement. Brilliant, experienced consultants.

“Peter is an obvious leading expert in his field! Not only do his results speak for themselves, but I appreciate how Peter holds himself to a high standard behind the scenes as well. I am impressed by the team he surrounds himself with and his own thought leadership. Highly recommend as a strategist for your brand!”

“I loved working with Peter and Bill. They invested their time to dig into not only my thought leadership, but also my personal goals and aspirations. They pushed my thinking and were able to hone in on areas of greatest opportunity and potential. They were responsive and available with their time and creative and thought provoking with their questions and insights. In a short time, it was clear that they really “got” me. TLL was able to help me craft a comprehensive strategy for launching and developing my thought leadership platform. Peter and Bill are the real deal!”

From LinkedIn:

“Standing up a platform is no easy feat! I owe huge thanks to those of you who partnered with me on this journey:  Peter Winick and Bill Sherman of Thought Leadership Leverage for helping me crystallize my platform strategy!”

“Bill, the intellectual sparring was so much fun! Joy to work with you too!”

“Peter Winick, I absolutely could not have gotten to this launch without you, Bill, and Thought Leadership Leverage. Anyone looking to build a thought leadership strategy needs to seek you out. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Kelly Breslin Wright

“As a first time author, Peter Winick was invaluable in helping me understand how to build out a platform to bring the concepts in my book to life and create an actionable plan to create a sustainable business.”

“Peter Winick, the nation’s foremost expert on thought leadership.”

“Working with Peter and Bill is like investing in personal MBA professors. They bring forward critical thinking, challenge assumptions, push for deeper results, and don’t accept status quo. They helped me break out of my corporate world lens and create a strategic plan to launch as an entrepreneur while also encouraging me to color outside the lines of what I saw as possible. Their work goes beyond building a better resume and gets in to the actions and mental model needed to do your best work. This isn’t about following a business book on how to be like everyone else. TLL looks at who you are and what you have to offer and then helps you create a framework to do fewer things better. For me, that was resisting the urge to be busy and popular versus productive and impactful. This is the team you want in your corner as they bring the smarts, know-how, and discipline to get you started and keep you going.”

Kristin Graham

“Peter and Bill have been incredibly helpful in sharpening our thinking in drawing out new, exciting and innovative ideas and themes that will help move our thought leadership forward.”

“I find Peter Winick and Bill Sherman to be very knowledgeable about how thought leaders can go about their work. They are thought partners who help me explore possibilities, evaluate alternatives, and continue to develop myself for greater impact. They bring expertise about the business of thought leadership while I bring clarity about my values and goals, and together we craft the path ahead.”

“No one is better equipped to help you develop a viable strategy, to gain the clarity you need as a thought leader than Thought Leadership Leverage. One of the best investments I’ve made in my business and myself.”

“Peter has profound capabilities to generate solutions to complex problems. I came to him at the start of a new venture with a million ideas and no clear direction. In turn, he helped me hone in on my priorities through a process that was not only strategic but also extremely fun. It helped me remember why I do what I do while also laying out a foundation that I could comfortably follow. From tackling the high-level ideas to digging into the details in a way that makes these small bits exciting, I cannot recommend working with Peter enough.”

“As a small consulting firm with a highly-technical offering we struggled across the board in our efforts. Our lead generation was sporadic, what leads we gained we struggled to get to a decision point, and we didn’t feel like our messages were resonating with clients. This wasn’t a problem unique to us. Every consulting firm in our field also struggled with the same challenges and “cracking-the-code” was the talk among owners and practitioners at conferences.

All of us shared a similar concern and hesitance to engage traditional marketing firms. Our work is on the cutting edge of multiple scientific domains and problem spaces. We needed a marketing partner capable of operating at that level while also excelling at fundamental execution of traditional marketing functions. (more…)

Peter is the real deal.

Peter is thorough, knowledgeable, and an invaluable resource. He is both sherpa and shaman when working with you; helping you expand the reach and impact of your business as a thought leader.

The TLL team is wonderful. You’ll get a group of smart, thorough people with a great process to help you get a fresh perspective on how to grow your platform and make meaningful progress on the journey.

Jonathan Raymond

“We recently had the experience of working with Peter Winick and team on our enterprise readiness assessment. It was fast, painless and we got some genuine (and well-above-expectations) value from the conversations, ideas, and report they produced. We have been doing what we do and talking about what we talk about for 17 years now and rarely (if ever) encounter people who so quickly get what we do, get us, and see beyond the obvious to both the strengths and weaknesses that represent our biggest opportunities for leverage. We’re moving on with TLL now into further strategy and implementation work, and we certainly wouldn’t be doing that if they hadn’t ably demonstrated their world-class capabilities during the ERA.”

David Komlos

I’m a skeptic, making important decisions carefully, someone who tests their instincts with research, questions and high bars. I never told Peter, but the truth is – although he passed every test with flying colors – he had me at hello. Peter instinctively and almost immediately knew what I was about and what I wanted to do. He zoned in on what made my ideas exciting, unique and salable, placing them into a strategic context of the market and the business opportunities. He’s flexible yet decisive; funny and pragmatic; energetic and patient. He creates a road map that makes you eager to start the car, pull him into the front seat and hit the road.

Working with Peter inspired a whole new direction in my thinking about my business, working to make the most of intellectual property and scale so that it can be used much more widely inside of organizations. His keen insights and broad experience have shifted my strategy in working with organizations from transactional to a deep, relationship based value-add.

I can attest that Peter knows his stuff…big time. It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn from one of the best in the biz.

Ryan MiCarty

Working with Peter completely re-oriented my thinking about my intellectual property and how to use it to develop my consulting business. I really benefitted from his perspective and experience. It’s like spending time with a really smart, experienced friend who cares about your success. I’m still working down the punchlist of ideas I got from our conversations – and will be for the next few years.

Cassie Solomon

Peter is a master at getting things out of your head and into a systemized approach.  It’s early days and my working relationship with him however it’s clear that he will be a partner for life.

From the first meeting with Peter it was evident that we were embarking on a journey towards success with someone who had what we needed…Passion! As further engagement took place the entire TLL team exhibited that same passion for what I believe they do best and that’s taking an idea and giving it a voice. We live in a world where it’s easier to say what you want the world to know, it’s just harder to be heard. Peter and the TLL team will cut through the noise and amplify the one voice that matters most…Yours! As we are now launch our business and book it has become clear that they have set us up to achieve greatness through intentional strategy, defined objectives, and proven methods of delivery. Get them on your team and win.

Ryan MiCarty

As experienced marketers, we naturally assumed that we had effectively positioned our business, our services, and our IP. But after our first conversation with Peter and the TLL team, we realized we had some important work to do. Their in-depth analysis of our business revealed opportunities (and challenges) we had simply never considered. They quickly zeroed in on our existing strengths, identified areas of greatest potential, and developed a strategic plan for taking SmartStorming to the next level – and then to the next one after that. These folks are smart, “get it” very quickly, and worked as hard and as passionately on our business as we do. We’re delighted with our decision to work with Thought Leadership Leverage and are looking forward many shared successes in the future.

Mitchell Rigie And Keith Harmeyer

When you are travelling in a land that you don’t know at all, where the language they speak is incomprehensible, then be sure you have a guide and translator with knowledge, skill, and patience. We have recently completed such a journey with TLL as our guide, and they have been the perfect companion and partner. In creating a new competency model based on the IP of our business, we were entering into unknown territory where we lacked the know-how ourselves.

The TLL team led us through this process with great understanding and confidence-inspiring expertise. I was personally keen to use the project as a learning experience and the TLL team were extremely collaborative and empathetic in the way they ensured I properly understood each stage of the process – and all of this achieved ‘virtually’ over conference calls and via email. I am extremely pleased with the result of our collaboration.

Peter brings clarity, creativity and focus to the brand and business-building process. He has a unique ability to smoothly navigate in a sea of chaos, pulling together disparate personalities, ideas and interests. His approach enabled me to create organization and structure as we shifted a singularly focused message into a multi-faceted business strategy. It’s unexpected when advisors and consultants actually deliver well beyond expectation, which is what Peter has done for us to date.

The report you sent was extremely well written; clear, direct and right on point. The insights are rich and actionable. We believe this will serve as a guide as we consider partners for our ideas as well as what activities we need to own in our business.

Peter conducted an exhaustive audit of my content and business model and came back with a strategic process to scale my business in ways that I had not previously imagined.  Peter has the goods.  He has the creative brilliance, business acumen and resources to positively alter the velocity and trajectory of your business beyond what you are imaging today.

Alesia Latson

Peter started adding value to me and my business from our first conversation. He listened intently and offered guidance and advice to help me start thinking differently about my value and positioning as a thought leader. He helped focus my broad offerings into a scalable roadmap for future success. His knowledge, expertise, structure and strategic leadership helps thought leaders be all they can be.

Louis Efron

I’ve long believed that relationships go bad with misaligned expectations. I’ve known Peter Winick for several years, more recently I’ve met Bill, Jessica and other members of the team. And I think the best way I can describe my work with them is that Peter quickly gets to know you and understands what makes you tick, what your priorities are. Understands that in my case this idea, these concepts have been my baby for a number of years and it’s very hard to go from a sole practitioner and steward of birthing this idea and raising it and growing it and really working hard to build a brand and deliver value to customers to now letting go. But I think part of that professional maturity and growth opportunity is to surround yourself with people who elevate your game. Who raise the bar on what you do and how you do it.

At a recent prospective client meeting Peter, Bill and I were there. We did some briefing in advance. Their suggestion was you be the content expert, you be the founder. Let us put you on a pedestal and you play that role, let us take the enterprise opportunity and run with it. At first you have this enormous amount of trepidation about doing something like that, because you are used to going in and doing all the work yourself. I was cautiously optimistic, especially for that first meeting and it turned out great. So if referrals and recommendations are testimony to an experience with someone so far I can’t recommend Peter and Bill more so as Partners, real partners to take your ideas and take your perspective and help create that scale.

I learned several years ago I can’t be scalable. So if I want my ideas to be heard a partnership with Thought Leadership Leverage – Peter, Bill and Team is really a great opportunity to do just that.

David Nour



David Nour

Peter is simply a dynamo in the field of thought leadership leverage. He knows his stuff inside out and will push you out of your comfort zone to get the results you need. Be prepared for the ultimate in high energy that quickly gets to the core of your business potential and expertise, ruffles it up and helps you to put it back together again in a way that makes you money.

“Peter cracked the code to find the value in my content outside of the book and the speeches. Smart, fun to work with, creative and most importantly I’m now on the path to extracting much more value from my work.”

“My day-long intensive session with Peter helped bring life and clarity to my vision for creating a unique, lasting, multi-pronged platform for personal finance education.  Now, I look forward to seeing that vision realized.”

“Clarity, Insight & Opportunity – that’s what I was looking for when I approached Thought Leadership Leverage, and Peter Winick did not disappoint! It’s one thing to be an expert in one’s own field, but Peter revealed my value BEYOND my own field! I am truly grateful – and incredibly excited for the opportunities ahead.”

“Peter and his team constructively challenged us to think about our business differently and how we could leverage our intellectual property to offer a greater range of solutions and value adding options for our clients.”

“As a thought leader with many ideas and even more possible courses of action you could take spending time with Peter helps you get clarity and focus about what can bring you the best return. Not only that but he opens up possibilities to leverage your ideas that you probably haven’t thought of and, on top of that, helps you pull it into a plan that you can do something about. A very rewarding and inspiring day.”

“We engaged Peter and his team to assist with our global strategy for our SGEi company brand as well as my individual Shane Green brand. Peter’s methodology and insights was the perfect catalyst for re-engineering our strategy, aligning our people, and implementing the necessary resources to achieving the next steps in our brand success. We highly recommend his services and assistance for companies or people looking to leverage their expertise and accelerate their growth.”

“Sometimes even a coach needs a coach.  Peter’s thoughtful, methodical process for reviewing, positioning and launching a business that is centered around intellectual property was just what we need to move us from business concept to a growing enterprise.  The strategy session we held was thought provoking and provided a clear roadmap forward.  It was evident that Peter had taken the time to understand our concepts, relate them to market possibilities and generate productive insight.”

Peter is a sharp and excellent strategist who helped me better understand and leverage my brand for business success.

I was introduced to Bill Sherman when we engaged Thought Leadership Leverage to help us define our Content Strategy. Bill and his team were incredibly insightful and pragmatic in their approach to co-creating a foundation to both define and focus our Brand Purpose. Bill is infinitely patient, and spends the time to get it right! The “it” is a taxonomy that nails what we bring to our clients and market, the method that we continue to use to uncover Chocolate Conversations in an organization, and the narrative that distinguishes us from our competition. Additionally, Bill helped us align our products and offerings to our redefined Brand Purpose. Not necessarily in our original scope, Bill and his team helped us establish a business development and project management process and practice that now has everyone in our firm on track, on time and on budget.  Bill is smart, generous with his time and support, and effective.

Rose Fass
fassforward Consulting Group

Peter spent two weeks consuming the 15 years of content I had created for the IT executive community and then focused in on the single most valuable concept.  We spent a few hours brainstorming and emerged with a winning idea for turning that concept into a viable business. The session was eye-opening for me and I am excited to move forward!

“Our session with Peter Winick was like having our own personal master class in strategy development for our thought leadership and consulting practice. We are energized by the concepts he taught us based on his years of experience and are thrilled that he will continue to advise us as we put his recommendations into action. His passion and commitment to seeing us succeed separate him from other consultants in this crowded field.”

“I’m not sure which impressed me more – Peter’s ability to quickly grasp what I was trying to do and why it would be important to a buyer, or his network of great contacts. Although I have only worked with him for a short time, I have already achieved one significant goal and have a solid, well-conceived map of where to go next and when. While Peter asked the perfect questions, the plan is one we conceived, not something off the shelf. Peter walks a nice balance between pushing me out of my comfort zone, and knowing when I’m too far out. I would encourage anyone who wants to create a sound business for their ideas and experience to contact Peter and get started.”

Carol Anderson, Principal at Anderson Perfomance Partners

Thought-Leader Carol Anderson

If you want to play in the big leagues, you need to be enterprise-ready and Bill Sherman will get you there. As a keynote speaker, and I don’t think I’m alone here, I sort of thought giving speeches to gatherings of Fortune 1000 employees meant I was ready for any enterprise. That was until executives started asking me for a package of solutions they could implement throughout their organization. Bill, and his operations team at Thought Leadership Leverage, prepared me and gave me the confidence to pitch great solutions to these execs. They helped me:

  • Assess what I was currently capable of providing an organization
  • Determine what I would need to be enterprise-ready
  • Build the components needed for an enterprise rollout; a video series with activities, webinars, manager toolsets, diagnostics and assessments, and the list goes on

I wanted to add more value to organizations, while also monetizing my content and expertise. I now look forward to increasing revenue without being personally on-stage. I enjoy seeing people’s lives improved through the propagation of my ideas. I may have brought my skill, but Bill Sherman and the TLL team gave me the uniform and the equipment to join the big leagues.

Juliet Funt

CEO, WhiteSpace at Work

“I attended NSA’s annual meeting to meet Peter.  Actually, I had never heard of Peter, but had hoped to meet someone who had his perspective and expertise.  During his session, I figured I was in the right room for two reasons.  One – Peter started stirring the pot instantly with marketplace truths; and two – Brian Tracey was in the audience learning from Peter.  I approached Peter afterwards to learn more and found his intellect and enthusiasm to be energizing.  He’s quite perceptive, and has already helped me see my business in a whole new light.  I look forward to a long-standing relationship with Peter and his team as we partner to grow my business and spread the word on Self Reliant Leadership.”

“Peter Winick helped me to relook at my business model with a much broader lens and visualize how much of my book’s content could be added to my business offering.”

“Peter helped me see new paths to profitability, and to a better lifestyle … two incredibly important things for a business owner. I now have new ways of looking at my business that will be with me for years. I highly recommend bringing Peter into your world. His insights will bring you great value.”

“I had the pleasure of meeting Peter at an authors gathering in Boston. I followed up with a phone call when I returned to New York. Let’s just say that was one of the better decisions I made.  We got our leadership team together with Peter to help us define a content distribution strategy. For the past 13 years we have been a successful professional services company. We wanted to evolve our company from a pure consulting firm to a products and services company. Peter came in and got us immediately on a course to help us make that strategic shift.”

“Peter is a gifted strategist. Peter’s a rare bird—someone who is uniquely able to bring clarity out of complexity in the ultra challenging ‘thought leader space’.  There’s really no one else quite like him. He’s been tenacious in his support. Plus, I’ve loved working with him.”

“Working with Peter is magic. After he consumed my decades of work, it took us 2 hours in the same room to nail my business focus. It was so obvious then when it had been scattered, fragmented and hidden until that moment. What a relief! My path feels much clearer.”

“Peter Winick helps thought leaders turn their ideas into real businesses. He gets you past the book-and-a-speech mode and into a commercial proposition that can make a real difference. No one else I know does that nearly as well.”

Peter literally transformed my business model by getting me to focus on blind spots I didn’t know I had. He has tremendous business acumen and an uncanny ability to get to the core of an ROI issue very quickly.  But what impresses me most about him is his generosity and candor.  A consummate professional, he’s not only a partner I trust – a wingman – he’s become a friend.

“Peter Winick transformed my business and elevated my value to my clients. The money that I invested in coaching him has come back to me ten-fold in the years since. Peter understands how to help smart people discover their highest value to clients and then build systems to serve those needs. Over the years, as I’ve collaborated with Peter on other projects for mutual clients, I’ve seen his team’s ability to build out statistically valid assessments, enterprise offerings, video training programs and more. If you are committed to learning, being challenged and changing your offering so that it scales beyond just yourself, Thought Leadership Leverage is the answer.”

“Peter is an expert at transforming someone’s unique information into a scalable product and more importantly, an expanded platform for revenue and category dominance.”

“Peter Winick is a world-class thinker. I’ve seen year-long brand audits and strategic planning that was not half as effective as what Peter can do in a few weeks, and with more clarity and better results! The process was quick, easy, and thorough, and I’m excited about the next steps! It’s my pleasure to recommend Thought Leadership Leverage to anyone looking for a brand breakthrough.”

“As a newly published author, I naively thought that my book would be instantly read by the masses, at least those who were interested in the topic, and that my innovative ideas would spread quickly. As my bubble of grandiosity inevitably began to burst, I realized that my book alone would not disseminate my ideas and that I would need additional methods to do that. With minimal experience in matters related to strategic marketing, I was referred to Peter Winick for his expertise.

Peter is addicted to ideas. His wheels never stop spinning. Just when he spits one piece of wisdom out, another immediately follows. However, his ideas are not just smart. They are constructed with the sole purpose of enhancing and elaborating on the thoughts which you have given him to work with. Peter “gets” it and he “gets” it quickly.”

“After our first conversation, I knew that I wanted to work with Peter. His mission to help those working to make a positive difference and his ability to quickly understand my situation and help me move forward were a powerful combination.  After we had been working together for a few weeks, I told him that he had ‘rewired my brain’ for successfully building the business I had imagined.”

“If you are looking to add more value while monetizing  your content and expertise, I can’t imagine anyone with more know-how, vision, connections, frameworks, possibilities, and opportunities than Peter. I got my investment back in a month. And I expect the ROI to grow significantly from here.

Peter made me smarter. His strategy sessions focused me on the best strategies for adding value and monetizing my content. I immediately gained a heightened awareness and new set of lenses for sensing business opportunities, and changed how I interact with every prospective client or partner — even in conversations that would not have looked like prospective clients or partners before.

I needed his expertise 10 years ago. I was ready for it 4 years ago. Thank goodness I finally engaged him.  The evening after our strategy session my wife (and business partner) remarked, “You made a good investment.”

Peter’s the real deal. If you are on the bubble, go for it.”

“Peter is a ‘must meet’ when it involves Thought Leadership, content creation, marketing and growth. His proven entrepreneurial mindset delivers on his promises. Peter masterfully crafted a business plan and led our enterprise to new heights. His innovative strategic planning approach is for any solopreneur or CEO seeking to scale and focus on revenue generating priorities. We now measure our business in terms of “before Peter” and “after Peter”. We deeply appreciate his contributions.”

“Peter is the perfect partner. Not only is he a seemingly endless resource of connections, ideas and brilliant strategy but he has the uncanny ability to push business forward in a fraction of the time expected.  Our company was set on fire from the first day we met with him and from that moment on we played in an entirely different league.”

“Peter is to business like a steroid is in sports. His ideas put muscle into your business growth at remarkable speed.”

“Peter got me to think in a way that is not comfortable.  He challenged me to broaden my understanding of my concepts and to apply it to a much wider audience.  He helped me to put into words what I do naturally yet never truly understood. I highly recommend Peter to anyone who wants to stop trading time for money, and who yearns to make the coveted residual income.”

“I learned about Peter Winick last spring and was intrigued by his website and the conversations we had as I researched his work and expertise. We got to meet over the summer when I was in NYC to work with some east coast clients and to promote my book at the Book Expo of America. We had a terrific meeting and right away, I knew he was the strategist for me. I am a small business owner and am not in the habit of spending a lot on outside business strategy advice. But I knew that Peter would be able to not only help me position myself for the corporate clients that I wanted, but most importantly, he spoke in a language that I could understand and that made sense to me.

After our full day meeting and then our follow-up phone calls, I am more than ready to meet the challenge to take my business to the next level. His sage advice has helped me to position myself for new markets and to approach my target market more strategically. I have already put into place several of his tactical suggestions and seen a difference to my bottom line. Peter Winick is a strategist extradinaire that I recommend hands-down. He was just what I needed at this point in my business growth.”


“Peter is in that top 5% of people that really “get it.”  I met him several years back when he was working with Keith Ferrazzi and was entirely impressed—the results he got with Keith speak for themselves. When I had the requirement to expand my own thought leadership reach and presence and better productize what I do, Peter was the only person I trusted to help me.   It was a rock solid investment, he delivers above and beyond and is a true partner for success. He is extremely creative and visionary in his approach, well connected, and quickly was able to understand my solution offering and the best way to position it and put something tangible around it.  I highly recommend Peter for Thought Leadership Marketing—and he truly understands the meaning of the category.”

“Peter is outstanding!

Over many hours he got familiar with my content (video, audio, blog, book).  He then helped me see thematic trending and proposed many methods and channels through which I will enhance my visibility and credibility while increasing income.  He is especially wise in laying out short-, mid- and long-term methods and identifying how they can be funded externally.  My most in-reach project is executable in the next 90 days with no capital needed and I fully expect there to be a return well into five figures.

Peter empowered me.  I recommend him without reservation.”

“Peter has the unique ability to distill complexity into simplicity – a rare gift of a consultant.  His work is efficient, thorough and always with an eye towards creating systemic change in an organization that will lead to desired results.  Our experience of bringing Peter on as a strategic asset to our consulting team for a national non-profit was very positive.  Peter is enthusiastic, a great presenter, a strategic thinker and was able to appeal to a diverse group of constituents by tapping into his breadth of knowledge and experience.  Specifically, Peter’s expertise in building a communications strategy, re-purposing existing content and leveraging the organization’s thought leadership potential into actionable items was masterful.  Without any hesitation, we would work with Peter again.”


“Peter opened my eyes to a new and better way of looking at my business—to larger and more accessible markets than I’d imagined. He’s an expert at building a business around content: a tricky assignment that I think few people understand. And he became an expert on my industry and even on my own abilities and resources. All the while, his passion for the work was inspiring and his intelligence impressive. Highly recommended.”

“Peter was able sift through huge amounts of my content, zero in on the very heart of my message, and synthesize all the strands of my thinking into a solid plan that leads to real profit. His skill and insight has been invaluable to me in charting my professional path. I’m incredibly thankful to him.”


“I came to Peter to develop a strategy and gain the clarity I needed to start a movement to help transform engineering education around the globe.  As an academic, I was skeptical that a business guy would be able to figure this out very easily or at all, but he jumped into deep water without any hesitation, asking exactly  the right questions and providing just the right information.  He then swam laps around the pool by connecting me to some awesome and inobvious resources, and in very short order I have a solid strategy to start swimming in deep water myself.  Now Peter is working with me to improve my strokes and execute the strategy he developed.  It is safe to say that working with him was eye opening, a wonderful learnig experience, and time and money well spent!!”


“As an Executive Coach I know what it takes to help people reach their goals. I can say, unequivocally, that Peter’s passion, personality and expertise brings the clarity of thought and intensity of focus necessary to determine the best course of action for reaching those goals. Not only has Peter helped me to already, but he will continue to be an important part of my plan for success for the foreseeable future.”

“A creative strategist and thought leader with the rare ability to connect disparate thoughts to build something new!  Peter devoured my book and workshop materials, asked insightful questions and used both to create a whole, new approach to my consulting business.  Peter has a unique understanding of brand management, coupled with marketing know-how and strategic business thinking – and by, providing the fine balance between listening, challenging and consulting – ultimately results in an innovative actionable business plan.”



“There are few people I know who are more knowledgeable and conversant about how to leverage new business/leadership content in a transformative fashion. Peter’s combination of candor and can-do attitude are refreshing and value-added.”

“Peter has an amazing talent. He enabled me to get at the heart of what is great and transformational in my work, and bring it to life in a powerful system that can be leveraged across  my current client base and with new clients globally. Given this is my ‘dream’ – he enabled me to move from a dream to reality. A talent not found in too many people – so a treasure worth knowing about.”


“When you work with Peter you have to be prepared to shed your closely held notions about what you’ve created and what you’re going to sell. I had just finished writing my book when I was introduced to Peter. I was convinced I knew what my book was about, the market it would serve and how I was going to reach my customers. However, that conviction began to weaken and fade as I the started the strategic planning process with Peter. He thoroughly read and understood everything I had written and  challenged my assumptions about who would benefit most from my work.  Peter quickly  zeroed in on the true value in what I had written. This led to a completely different vision of the markets I serve and the strategies I will use to build my brand and create customers for my content. Another great thing about working with Peter is that his mind is always working and he is always full of new ideas regarding your work. I learn something new or gain something of value virtually every time I talk with him. If you’re a new author, as I am, and you’re serious about creating a business around your work, I strongly recommend you call Peter.”

“I have been working as a consultant and author for years, but never was able to define a niche to move away from the pack.  Working with Peter has been tremendously helpful in taking my material and defining a product strategy that is not only exciting but has great commercial potential.”

“I hired Peter in the third week of my new business. I suddenly realized that I had to clearly identify and brand my business. Peter has a tenacious approach to helping you understand, identify and attain your business goals. I saw my consulting business as a family affair. In preparation for our initial day long work session, Peter researched and read everything he could find about me. The day our work session was a well organized session where Peter broke-down my core strengths and interests. Then we pieced them back together in a working model that I am still using today. He has a lot of depth in his approach and a broad-base of industry knowledge. My investment in Peter was money well spent.”

“I like Peter’s proactive approach and energy.  Peter wasn’t afraid to kick my butt (in a good way) and keep the focus on ROI.  A lot of consultants and strategists talk theory, but we took a deep dive into short-, medium- and long-term monetization.  Since I am a business expert and strategist myself, that piece was critical for me.”

“Peter came in, understood the issues and quickly had four options on how to solve the issues.  One smart guy!”

“Peter is one of the most well connected people on the planet.  More importantly, he is a strategic thinker and a tireless worker.  His dedication to the success of his clients is second to none.  I would highly recommend him to anyone who wants to grow their business.”

“With a growing consulting business, a new book, and content that could be marketed just as easily to consumers as to businesses, I was unsure about the best way to organize my energies, my time, and my business. I turned to Peter because he has a wealth of experience working with people who have already been down this path. I’m happy I did. He’s fast, he’s direct, and he very quickly figured out the best way to structure and prioritize what I do, as well as the tools needed to make it happen.”

“Vast no-nonsense skillset with likable combo of humor & client commitment. Responsive, focused and real…a pleasure to brand build with.”

“Peter has a gift for taking people with ideas and connecting them to market needs and business opportunities. But a word to the wise, don’t consider working with Peter unless you are ready to dream big!”

“Today was great and of great value!  It has been a long, LONG time that I have been held captive and captivated for that many hours.  You have some great ideas and great experience and I really do think that today was the start of something that is going to impact thousands and hundreds of thousands…wait, MILLIONS of people in one way or another.  I always live by the motto GO BIG and this is no exception!  Thanks again and I look forward to seeing what we make of this opportunity!”

“Peter was a tremendous asset in helping me launch Axxess Business Centers. His entrepreneurial drive and passion for excellence would be invaluable to any founder looking to turn his dream into reality.”

“Peter has helped me take my latest book and consulting business to a level that I could not have envisioned. His blend of industry savvy coupled with his commitment to his clients is rare air these days! Peter is amazing in that he really understands how to market a book based on the topic and potential. He does not pull any punches in helping the author get there and designs campaigns that get the most out of the book and its message. His contacts for things like endorsements are remarkable. I have been very pleased with his commitment to my project while he has multiple projects going on. It seems like I am his only client.”

“I truly enjoy every interaction with Peter. We’ve developed integrated programs for clients and Peter always drives for smart, integrated, high-impact results. He also has a rare combination of ambition and intelligence balanced with humility and irresistible humor. He’s an excellent business partner and a real life example of the smart opportunities that happen with intelligent, considerate and open networking.”

”Passion, engagement, and hard work! Those are all adjectives that describe my professional experience with Peter Winick as my agent and confidant during 2008. As a fledging speaker with a powerful message Peter worked diligently with me in not only attempting to secure speaking engagements but it providing me with advice and counsel based on his background and experience in the industry. I would endorse Peter to represent anyone interesting in broadening their exposure. There is no substitute for hard work and it’s during these tough economic times that his imagination and commitment will win the day!”

“I have known Peter Winick for five years and watched him work to help best selling author and speaker Keith Ferrazzi transform into the success he is now.  I have been working exclusively with Peter to help me transform my career.  Since working with Peter, my new book, “Just Listen” has reached best seller status and he has helped originate and develop existing opportunities with middle market to Fortune 500 companies into paying—and very good paying in a lousy economy—speaking opportunities and engagements.  Since working with me, he has taken me and my career as an author, speaker, adviser, executive coach and trainer to amazing places that it never would have gotten to ever.  Peter thinks he’s just a quick thinker and quick study.  I think he is between smart and brilliant and brings together four qualities that I have never seen in one individual: first, he is an amazing strategic thinker that helped me clarify the best focus for my talents and skills and turn them into offerings that were congruent with abilities (and presented them to me in a way in which I didn’t characteristically resist); second, he spontaneously breaks the strategies into specific, concrete tactics; third, he doesn’t drop the ball and has a way of reminding any of the involved parties to follow through so that they keep on track (I have never been so supportively slapped on the wrists when I was off course by anyone I have ever worked with); fourth, although quite energetic in his approach he has almost no ego in having to be right; it is all about moving projects forward.  Most of all, he is a poster child for two qualities that I require of people to let them into my life: he has essential goodness (he doesn’t have a selfish, lazy, entitled, greedy or jealous bone in his body) and he is excellent in what he does and brings to the table to help his clients and friends.”

“I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to benefit immensely from Peter Winick’s lightning-fast mind, great sense of humor, deep experience, and remarkably creative approaches to business growth, product development, and marketing strategy.  Peter’s focus on the important things combined with his rigorous follow-through have helped me to envision and realize opportunities beyond what I could have imagined.”

“Peter, You have another fan. Thanks.”

“Peter – Your friendship has been great for me too and always appreciated your greater good mindset.  As I have said,  I’ll be not only a big proponent in your next gig,  but will work proactively to help in any way I can.”

“Peter does his homework to truly understand the culture and needs of your organization so he can customize the delivery of his programs. He is hands-on and will shepherd your project from beginning to end. I was truly surprised to see him on site for our first program but he wanted to ensure that our experience exceeded our expectations. Needless to say, our top sales associates rated the session number one for the entire three day event with subsequent programs delivering the same result.”

“I wanted you both to know that we have arranged to have a strategy session with Peter Winick   Of all of the people that I interviewed (many of the suggestions coming from you), I found Peter’s go to market philosophy to be most aligned with what we are looking for and his range of experience an indication that he would not treat dad as a cookie cutter client.”

Going in, we wanted clarity and priority. Thank you.

“Got the clarity, and the why.

Priorities soon to be identified.

We will schedule a day to talk next week.

Dan and I spent a eye-opening day with Peter today-thanks for your intro. I anticipate that today was the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship.

Peter, really appreciate your openness, approach and knowledge. Thanks. Excited about the prospect of you “jump-starting” today’s business while we also pursue the longer term. We are on the same page.

Look forward to your thoughts.

Thanks man.”

“If your sales force thinks they know sales, they don’t know JACK!”

“Peter is an extraordinary high level business development expert. He has a clear sense of how to define value for prospects, the smarts and aggressiveness to bring the business in, and an attitude that drives him and those around him to succeed.”

“Thanks…for our call, Peter – it’s impressive how well and how quickly you seemed to have gotten me, my IP, and most importantly, what I need – looking forward to a great session on Monday!”

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