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The many ways people experience your thought leadership.

Impact relies on offerings – both free and for sale – which carry your content to buyers and users. Many offerings can be created from a single piece of content.

Why do offerings matter?

Offerings carry content to
your audience, ensuring impact
and giving your ideas value.

Without solid offerings,
your insights only work when
you’re in the room.

Why do offerings matter?

Offerings carry content to
your audience, ensuring impact
and giving your ideas value.

Without solid offerings,
your insights only work when
you’re in the room.

How do you create impact through experience?


How will people
and organizations
benefit? What will


Do your offerings
work when you
aren’t there?


Can you deliver
your ideas to
thousands of people?


Is this worth the
investment of time and money?

How do you create impact through experience?


How will people
and organizations
benefit? What will


Do your offerings
work when you
aren’t there?


Can you deliver
your ideas to
thousands of people?


Is this worth the
investment of time
and money?

Scalable Offerings reach a broader market.

Transfer your knowledge tangibly and sustainably.

When offerings are a strength…

The offerings can be easily altered to
reach many different audiences.

Your investment in the creation of
offerings is multiplied by their value.

Impact is tangible and can be sustained.

When offerings are a challenge…

The offerings spark no perceptible action or change.

Your content can’t be transferred to an audience
without your direct assistance.

The cost-to-benefit is imprecisely calibrated;
you’re losing money in their creation.

How TLL can help…

Thought Leadership Leverage can help you create and develop offerings to transform your content through multiple modalities, creating offerings that are impactful, self-sustaining, and have lasting value.

How TLL can help…

Thought Leadership Leverage can help you create and develop offerings to transform your content through multiple modalities, creating offerings that are impactful, self-sustaining, and have lasting value.

Who Uses Thought Leadership?

“I want to grow my
core business
thought leadership.”

“I learned a lot of
lessons running my
business. Now, I want
to share them.”

“How can my ideas spread even when I’m not present in the room?”

“My company wants me to create thought leadership.
Where do I start?”

  “I’ve changed the business lexicon, but I want to see better financial returns.”

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