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Are your assets idle?


Hi there, it’s Peter Winick. I’m the founder and CEO at Thought Leadership Leverage, and here’s the idea that I wanted to share with you today, and that’s this: Are your assets sitting idle most of the time?

Let me unpack this a little bit. In most businesses, in fact, in almost any business, one of the objectives of the business owner or the CEO or the board is to leverage the assets, to make sure assets are never idle, to make sure assets are being deployed in a way that makes sense relative to the investment that has been made in the development of those assets. Idle assets don’t do anything for anybody.

However, in the world of thought leaders, in the business of thought leaders, the assets—if you will, the ideas, your thought leadership, your intellectual property—for most thought leaders, most of the time, are sitting idle. This makes no sense to me. Why is that? Well, there’s lots of reasons why it is, but one of the primary ones is that thought leaders sort of fall into this pattern of needing to be in the room or in the Zoom in order for those ideas to be unleashed, in order for those ideas to be exchanged. And if you can’t exchange the ideas, you can’t exchange value, you can’t create income.

So, I would start thinking about your business a little bit more around assets. I have this portfolio of assets. What can they be doing for me on an ongoing basis? How do they serve my clients so that they’re yielding dividends, they’re yielding a return that is commensurate with the energy and the effort and the investments that I’ve made in time, money, and opportunity cost in developing them?

Love to hear your thoughts.

Peter Winick has deep expertise in helping those with deep expertise. He is the CEO of Thought Leadership Leverage. Visit Peter on Twitter!

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