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Difficult Conversations Anniversary Episode
Welcome to Difficult Conversations with Dr. Anthony Orsini. Its’ been one year since I launched this podcast and I would have never thought it would be so successful. Today, I will not be the host. Instead, my good friend and colleague, Peter Winick will be our host. Peter is the CEO of Thought Leadership Leverage and host of his own podcast called, Leveraging Thought Leadership. Today, Peter will be interviewing me and Elizabeth Poret-Christ. Liz is The Orsini Way Managing Director, my friend, and colleague for almost ten years now. She makes The Orsini Way run and is a master communicator and expert in patient experience. There are no preset questions and Peter is going to have the ability to ask us anything he wants, so let’s see what happens!
We start with Dr. Orsini telling us about his background, the profound experience he had as a neonatal fellow that brought him to teach doctors how to communicate, and his mission. Liz shares some stories with us and how she got into her current position at The Orsini Way. We find out the journey and some of the obstacles that Dr. Orsini had to overcome along the way with running his business. Liz talks about the good, the bad, and the ugly of getting installed inside of organizations. Also, she talks about how hospitals can save money by training physicians early and how they will save time by implementing this as a top down philosophy so that everyone’s wired the same way, and everyone understands what it takes to be successful. Dr. Orsini brings up the hot topic of patient experience and shares a story about a doctor he helped train early on who recently reached out to him. The top two problems in healthcare right now are rising costs and physician and nursing burnout, and Dr. Orsini talks more in depth about what to do about it. If you haven’t checked out Dr. Orsini’s TEDx talk, go watch it! We learn more about the power of Dr. Orsini’s training to corporations and business because even businesses have to communicate bad news to clients and others. We end with Dr. Orsini talking about an amazing first year of this podcast and mentioning some great guests. Liz talks about how the pandemic drove their ambition even further, doing virtual training, and how all this has helped them become stronger. If you enjoyed this podcast, please hit follow, and download all the previous episodes.