“I have known Peter Winick for five years and watched him work to help best selling author and speaker Keith Ferrazzi transform into the success he is now. I have been working exclusively with Peter to help me transform my career. Since working with Peter, my new book, “Just Listen” has reached best seller status and he has helped originate and develop existing opportunities with middle market to Fortune 500 companies into paying—and very good paying in a lousy economy—speaking opportunities and engagements. Since working with me, he has taken me and my career as an author, speaker, adviser, executive coach and trainer to amazing places that it never would have gotten to ever. Peter thinks he’s just a quick thinker and quick study. I think he is between smart and brilliant and brings together four qualities that I have never seen in one individual: first, he is an amazing strategic thinker that helped me clarify the best focus for my talents and skills and turn them into offerings that were congruent with abilities (and presented them to me in a way in which I didn’t characteristically resist); second, he spontaneously breaks the strategies into specific, concrete tactics; third, he doesn’t drop the ball and has a way of reminding any of the involved parties to follow through so that they keep on track (I have never been so supportively slapped on the wrists when I was off course by anyone I have ever worked with); fourth, although quite energetic in his approach he has almost no ego in having to be right; it is all about moving projects forward. Most of all, he is a poster child for two qualities that I require of people to let them into my life: he has essential goodness (he doesn’t have a selfish, lazy, entitled, greedy or jealous bone in his body) and he is excellent in what he does and brings to the table to help his clients and friends.”