How Transparency and Thought Leadership Attract Investors Can collective intelligence outperform traditional market…
Leveraging Thought Leadership With Peter Winick – Episode 172 – Rocky Romanella
We often have a tendency to ignore the small things. And yet, every time, we’re worse off when they do come back around, because they’ve become larger issues that end up taking more of our time and energy. Procrastination sucks! So, why do we keep doing it?
Our guest in this episode is Rocky Romanella. He is the President & CEO of 3Sixty Management Services, author of Tighten the Lug Nuts, and a top keynote speaker. Today, Rocky talks to us about how he decided to write a book, the challenges he faced doing it, and how he found his most authentic voice.
Rocky and Peter also discuss legacies; how you create one, and what you’re really leaving behind. Rocky offers tips about getting past the urge to procrastinate, transitioning from corporate executive to Thought Leader, and how to make your keynote a success.
Diagnostics are a great way to Tighten the Lug Nuts! Here’s some advice about running and understanding diagnostics. Check it out!