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Research, Frameworks, and White Papers

On this page, you will find our original research, frameworks, and white papers on thought leadership.

Data-Driven Thought Leadership

Thought leadership needs to add to the conversation among a community.
It cannot simply recycle the same old truisms as “new”.

Therefore, we believe thought leadership must:

  • Provide fresh insights
  • Serve the needs of its audience
  • Speak clearly through both word & image
  • Provide useful insights and tools
  • Provide fresh insights
  • Serve the needs of its audience
  • Speak clearly through both word and image
  • Provide useful insights and tools

Thought leadership doesn’t need to compete with just books and articles. It must compete with generative AI.

We believe in data-driven thought leadership. Not every piece of thought leadership requires original research, but it becomes a key differentiator.

We take the following approach when creating frameworks, validating assessments, or conducting research studies:

  • Solid research methods,
    Hypothesis testing,
  • Speak clearly through both word & image
  • Provide useful insights and tools
  • Solid research methods,
  • Hypothesis testing,
  • Statistical analysis, (e.g., factor analyses and multiple regression, etc.) and
  • Business sense making
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