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“Peter is a ‘must meet’ when it involves Thought Leadership, content creation, marketing and growth. His proven entrepreneurial mindset delivers on his promises. Peter masterfully crafted a business plan and led our enterprise to new heights. His innovative strategic planning approach is for any solopreneur or CEO seeking to scale and focus on revenue generating priorities. We now measure our business in terms of “before Peter” and “after Peter”. We deeply appreciate his contributions.”

“Peter is the perfect partner. Not only is he a seemingly endless resource of connections, ideas and brilliant strategy but he has the uncanny ability to push business forward in a fraction of the time expected.  Our company was set on fire from the first day we met with him and from that moment on we played in an entirely different league.”

“Peter is to business like a steroid is in sports. His ideas put muscle into your business growth at remarkable speed.”

“Peter got me to think in a way that is not comfortable.  He challenged me to broaden my understanding of my concepts and to apply it to a much wider audience.  He helped me to put into words what I do naturally yet never truly understood. I highly recommend Peter to anyone who wants to stop trading time for money, and who yearns to make the coveted residual income.”

“Peter opened my eyes to a new and better way of looking at my business—to larger and more accessible markets than I’d imagined. He’s an expert at building a business around content: a tricky assignment that I think few people understand. And he became an expert on my industry and even on my own abilities and resources. All the while, his passion for the work was inspiring and his intelligence impressive. Highly recommended.”

“Peter was able sift through huge amounts of my content, zero in on the very heart of my message, and synthesize all the strands of my thinking into a solid plan that leads to real profit. His skill and insight has been invaluable to me in charting my professional path. I’m incredibly thankful to him.”


“As an Executive Coach I know what it takes to help people reach their goals. I can say, unequivocally, that Peter’s passion, personality and expertise brings the clarity of thought and intensity of focus necessary to determine the best course of action for reaching those goals. Not only has Peter helped me to already, but he will continue to be an important part of my plan for success for the foreseeable future.”

“A creative strategist and thought leader with the rare ability to connect disparate thoughts to build something new!  Peter devoured my book and workshop materials, asked insightful questions and used both to create a whole, new approach to my consulting business.  Peter has a unique understanding of brand management, coupled with marketing know-how and strategic business thinking – and by, providing the fine balance between listening, challenging and consulting – ultimately results in an innovative actionable business plan.”



“There are few people I know who are more knowledgeable and conversant about how to leverage new business/leadership content in a transformative fashion. Peter’s combination of candor and can-do attitude are refreshing and value-added.”

“Peter has an amazing talent. He enabled me to get at the heart of what is great and transformational in my work, and bring it to life in a powerful system that can be leveraged across  my current client base and with new clients globally. Given this is my ‘dream’ – he enabled me to move from a dream to reality. A talent not found in too many people – so a treasure worth knowing about.”


“I have been working as a consultant and author for years, but never was able to define a niche to move away from the pack.  Working with Peter has been tremendously helpful in taking my material and defining a product strategy that is not only exciting but has great commercial potential.”

“I like Peter’s proactive approach and energy.  Peter wasn’t afraid to kick my butt (in a good way) and keep the focus on ROI.  A lot of consultants and strategists talk theory, but we took a deep dive into short-, medium- and long-term monetization.  Since I am a business expert and strategist myself, that piece was critical for me.”

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