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Thought Leader Community Building | Ernie Humphrey
Using Thought Leadership to Build Communities
An interview with Ernie Humphrey about using Thought Leadership at Stampli to build communities.
Today’s guest is Ernie Humphrey, the Vice President of Thought Leadership at Stampli. Ernie was a long time treasury manager before becoming a thought leader and community builder for finance professionals. We talk about what it takes to build a community, how to build credibility, what content to use, and whether you should be monetizing the community you are building.
Three Key Takeaways from the Interview:
- How you can get an audience to take notice of your thought leadership.
- What steps you can take as a thought leader to build a trusted community.
- What you can do to build credibility as a thought leader.
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And if you need help scaling organizational thought leadership, contact Thought Leadership Leverage!