Transcript Hi, it's Peter Winick. I'm the founder and CEO at Thought Leadership Leverage, and…
Different Markets for Your Content
So there’s different markets for content. And I think this is a key point. So everything you heard before me today is totally true as it relates to the consumer market and in some cases maybe the entrepreneurial market maybe budding up to the smaller midsize business. But the funnel thing, the infusion soft thing. Those are great if I’m selling to an end user that’s taking out their American Express and putting it in the machine or swipe or whatever they’re doing. It is an absolutely the wrong way to go about it if you’re trying to sell 50, 100, 300 thousand dollars worth of digital based content into a large or mid-sized organization. It won’t work. Now there’s some asterisks there. But wait! In some companies they have discretion where a team leader can, you know, can spend a thousand dollars or something like that. That’s all fine and dandy if it trickles up. My whole point is if you went through the effort of building it digitally why do you want to sell 1 Z 2 Z’s? Add the zeros. It’s a it’s a whole different place.
So consumers, that’s one piece. Entrepreneurs… The mistake people make when trying to sell into entrepreneurs is because you’re meeting with them in their office and they’re hiding behind a business. We think we put on our B2B hat. Entrepreneurs are basically consumers at work during the day. It’s their money. Right. And I’m an entrepreneur. How many many entrepreneurs do we have? Right. So we buy like consumers. We’re emotional. Things get in front of us. How many of us have a training and development budget for our people? Right. But you fall, you see something. Oh that’s cool. I think I’d like to do that or I’ll go to this conference. Right. That’s how we roll. But people think cuz it’s an entrepreneur and there’s an LLC or something at the end of the name, let me get all B2B with them. No. For the most part, most of the time, the consumer tactics and strategies work for entrepreneurs.