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Do You React or Do You Reflect?


Hey there! It’s Peter Winick. I’m the Founder and CEO at Thought Leadership Leverage. So today, I wanted to share with you a thought, or an idea I had based on a few interactions that have happened over the last couple of weeks. And it’s this. As an expert, as a subject matter expert, as a thought leader, as someone that has been practicing what you practiced for a long, long time and seen various situations and such, I think there’s a habit that we’ve developed and it’s not necessarily a great one. It’s not necessarily serving us or our clients particularly well. And that is a habit of reacting versus reflecting.

So let me, let me go a little bit deeper on this. So, someone client, prospect, whatever, comes to you and they they lay out their situation. They lay out their problem. They lay out what’s going on. And immediately, it’s fairly easy for you because you’ve seen similar situations. You’ve been involved in similar scenarios before. And you’ve got a great outcome. So, you react! And you say, “Ah! What needs to be done is a b c and d.” And that’s great. And oftentimes, prospects find that really valuable and really insightful.

What I would suggest is that before you react, because it’s so easy to react, force yourself, force yourself come up with a system. Or a develop a new habit to force yourself to stop, and pause, and reflect. And what the reflection does is get you to confirm that your reaction is correct, or not, or might need to be nuanced, or might need to be modified, or tweaked, or adjusted.

So anyway, the thought that I had wanted to share with you today is to be aware of when you are reacting as an expert versus when you should be reflecting as an expert. And layering those reflections on top of your reactions. Love to hear your thoughts. Thank you so much.

Peter Winick has deep expertise in helping those with deep expertise. He is the CEO of Thought Leadership Leverage. Visit Peter on Twitter!

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