The Thought Leadership Accelerator How do you turn brilliant but hidden expertise into actionable innovation?…
Leveraging Thought Leadership With Peter Winick – Episode 175 – Andrew Gottlieb
Are you struggling to grow your online customer base, but tired of dealing with the “same old same old” of profit-based marketers?
Meet our guest in this episode, Andrew Gottlieb! Andrew is the Founder and CEO of No Typical Moments, a company focused on online customer acquisition, and working with companies looking to advance humanity and leave the world a better place. Listen in as Andrew shares how he found a balance between profit and purpose.
In our conversation, we discuss the key questions you need to ask while growing your online market, and how being purpose-driven can manifest itself in the clients you take on, the people you hire, and even the language you use. Andrew’s company, No Typical Moments, wants to change the business paradigm, improve the way we relate to one another, treat the environment, and uplift humanity.
Thought Leadership is driven by purpose in action. Check out Peter ‘s advice for regaining faith and passion for your business, mission, or goals. Check it out!