Self, Others, Purpose: The Four Pillars of True Connection Dr. Adam Dorsay, psychologist, TEDx speaker,…
Leveraging Thought Leadership With Peter Winick – Episode 179 – Jennifer Sertl
Modern businesses face unique challenges, from mastering social media to developing strategies that can reach a globally interconnected audience. Can your thought leadership handle constant transformation and face this new, super connected world?
In this episode, our guest is Jennifer Sertl, founder of Agility 3R, author of Strategy, Leadership, and the Soul, and an internationally recognized thought leader in the emerging field of corporate consciousness. Corporate consciousness bridges business strategy, neuroscience, and existential philosophy, strengthening strategic skills and helping leaders become more resilient, responsive, and reflective.
Jennifer discusses the way pattern recognition plays a big part in a leader’s ability to transform themselves and their employees, asking core questions and focusing on specific behavioral outcomes. She opens up to Peter about getting clients to identify their three “most important strategies,” in order to zero in on strengths and create strong behavioral branding. Listen in as we discuss getting focused, staying focused, and valuing your strengths. This is a great one!
Zero in on your strengths, but also zero in on your audience. Peter’s got some advice about getting laser-focused on your target markets — check it out here!