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Leveraging Thought Leadership With Peter Winick – Episode 181 – Dave Kerpen
It can be easy to get frustrated and disappointed when you don’t see early results from your investment of time and money into social media platforms. Growing your audience can be a slow process. You have to determine what your audience wants and what is going to help them. Figuring out these key factors can create an incredible platform you can use to launch any product. Our guest this week is a master of building networks and delivering quality content.
Dave Kerpen is a serial entrepreneur who co-founded Apprentice, a platform that connects entrepreneurs and CEOs with ambitious college students seeking real-world experience. He is also the Founder of Likeable Local a business that helps small business transform through the power of social media. If that isn’t enough, Dave is the author of the best-selling books: Likeable Social Media and The Art of People. When he is not writing books, he travels the world as a globally-recognized keynote speaker.
Dave gives guidance on how you can build your platform, find your tribe, and how you can use that platform to push your Thought Leadership to thousands of people. He walks us through the cadence for posting content and why you should feel obligated to repackage and repost your content often.
If you have thousands of followers on a platform, you need to understand that less than 5% of them will see the content you post. For this reason, you need to repost and repackage your content. Check out this video where Peter shares why you need to Repurpose Content for New Business Opportunities.