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Are You Pissing Enough People Off?

Hi! This is Peter Winick. I’m the founder and CEO of Thought Leadership Leverage. And today I want to encourage you to piss more people off. Well, that seems like an odd statement. What do I mean by that? I work with a wide variety of authors speakers and thought leaders from around the world. And one thing that I see in the greatest of the great is they are not afraid of the reaction that they’re gonna get for putting their content out in the world. If you are putting out thoughtful insightful new creative content you will piss some people off and that’s okay.

If you’re trying to placate everyone, if you’re trying to not offend, if you’re trying to make sure that everybody falls in love with you and your content, you’re just gonna water it down to the point where it’s dribble, to the point where it’s useless.

So don’t dilute your content. Don’t sacrifice what you believe in. Put your work out there and as a byproduct of that if you piss a couple people off, that’s okay too.

Peter Winick has deep expertise in helping those with deep expertise. He is the CEO of Thought Leadership Leverage. Visit Peter on Twitter!

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