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Peter literally transformed my business model by getting me to focus on blind spots I didn’t know I had. He has tremendous business acumen and an uncanny ability to get to the core of an ROI issue very quickly.  But what impresses me most about him is his generosity and candor.  A consummate professional, he’s not only a partner I trust – a wingman – he’s become a friend.

“Peter Winick transformed my business and elevated my value to my clients. The money that I invested in coaching him has come back to me ten-fold in the years since. Peter understands how to help smart people discover their highest value to clients and then build systems to serve those needs. Over the years, as I’ve collaborated with Peter on other projects for mutual clients, I’ve seen his team’s ability to build out statistically valid assessments, enterprise offerings, video training programs and more. If you are committed to learning, being challenged and changing your offering so that it scales beyond just yourself, Thought Leadership Leverage is the answer.”

“Peter is an expert at transforming someone’s unique information into a scalable product and more importantly, an expanded platform for revenue and category dominance.”

“Peter Winick is a world-class thinker. I’ve seen year-long brand audits and strategic planning that was not half as effective as what Peter can do in a few weeks, and with more clarity and better results! The process was quick, easy, and thorough, and I’m excited about the next steps! It’s my pleasure to recommend Thought Leadership Leverage to anyone looking for a brand breakthrough.”

“As a newly published author, I naively thought that my book would be instantly read by the masses, at least those who were interested in the topic, and that my innovative ideas would spread quickly. As my bubble of grandiosity inevitably began to burst, I realized that my book alone would not disseminate my ideas and that I would need additional methods to do that. With minimal experience in matters related to strategic marketing, I was referred to Peter Winick for his expertise.

Peter is addicted to ideas. His wheels never stop spinning. Just when he spits one piece of wisdom out, another immediately follows. However, his ideas are not just smart. They are constructed with the sole purpose of enhancing and elaborating on the thoughts which you have given him to work with. Peter “gets” it and he “gets” it quickly.”

“After our first conversation, I knew that I wanted to work with Peter. His mission to help those working to make a positive difference and his ability to quickly understand my situation and help me move forward were a powerful combination.  After we had been working together for a few weeks, I told him that he had ‘rewired my brain’ for successfully building the business I had imagined.”

“If you are looking to add more value while monetizing  your content and expertise, I can’t imagine anyone with more know-how, vision, connections, frameworks, possibilities, and opportunities than Peter. I got my investment back in a month. And I expect the ROI to grow significantly from here.

Peter made me smarter. His strategy sessions focused me on the best strategies for adding value and monetizing my content. I immediately gained a heightened awareness and new set of lenses for sensing business opportunities, and changed how I interact with every prospective client or partner — even in conversations that would not have looked like prospective clients or partners before.

I needed his expertise 10 years ago. I was ready for it 4 years ago. Thank goodness I finally engaged him.  The evening after our strategy session my wife (and business partner) remarked, “You made a good investment.”

Peter’s the real deal. If you are on the bubble, go for it.”

“Peter is a ‘must meet’ when it involves Thought Leadership, content creation, marketing and growth. His proven entrepreneurial mindset delivers on his promises. Peter masterfully crafted a business plan and led our enterprise to new heights. His innovative strategic planning approach is for any solopreneur or CEO seeking to scale and focus on revenue generating priorities. We now measure our business in terms of “before Peter” and “after Peter”. We deeply appreciate his contributions.”

“Peter is the perfect partner. Not only is he a seemingly endless resource of connections, ideas and brilliant strategy but he has the uncanny ability to push business forward in a fraction of the time expected.  Our company was set on fire from the first day we met with him and from that moment on we played in an entirely different league.”

“Peter is to business like a steroid is in sports. His ideas put muscle into your business growth at remarkable speed.”

“Peter got me to think in a way that is not comfortable.  He challenged me to broaden my understanding of my concepts and to apply it to a much wider audience.  He helped me to put into words what I do naturally yet never truly understood. I highly recommend Peter to anyone who wants to stop trading time for money, and who yearns to make the coveted residual income.”

“I learned about Peter Winick last spring and was intrigued by his website and the conversations we had as I researched his work and expertise. We got to meet over the summer when I was in NYC to work with some east coast clients and to promote my book at the Book Expo of America. We had a terrific meeting and right away, I knew he was the strategist for me. I am a small business owner and am not in the habit of spending a lot on outside business strategy advice. But I knew that Peter would be able to not only help me position myself for the corporate clients that I wanted, but most importantly, he spoke in a language that I could understand and that made sense to me.

After our full day meeting and then our follow-up phone calls, I am more than ready to meet the challenge to take my business to the next level. His sage advice has helped me to position myself for new markets and to approach my target market more strategically. I have already put into place several of his tactical suggestions and seen a difference to my bottom line. Peter Winick is a strategist extradinaire that I recommend hands-down. He was just what I needed at this point in my business growth.”


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