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“I hired Peter in the third week of my new business. I suddenly realized that I had to clearly identify and brand my business. Peter has a tenacious approach to helping you understand, identify and attain your business goals. I saw my consulting business as a family affair. In preparation for our initial day long work session, Peter researched and read everything he could find about me. The day our work session was a well organized session where Peter broke-down my core strengths and interests. Then we pieced them back together in a working model that I am still using today. He has a lot of depth in his approach and a broad-base of industry knowledge. My investment in Peter was money well spent.”

“I like Peter’s proactive approach and energy.  Peter wasn’t afraid to kick my butt (in a good way) and keep the focus on ROI.  A lot of consultants and strategists talk theory, but we took a deep dive into short-, medium- and long-term monetization.  Since I am a business expert and strategist myself, that piece was critical for me.”

“Peter came in, understood the issues and quickly had four options on how to solve the issues.  One smart guy!”

“Peter is one of the most well connected people on the planet.  More importantly, he is a strategic thinker and a tireless worker.  His dedication to the success of his clients is second to none.  I would highly recommend him to anyone who wants to grow their business.”

“With a growing consulting business, a new book, and content that could be marketed just as easily to consumers as to businesses, I was unsure about the best way to organize my energies, my time, and my business. I turned to Peter because he has a wealth of experience working with people who have already been down this path. I’m happy I did. He’s fast, he’s direct, and he very quickly figured out the best way to structure and prioritize what I do, as well as the tools needed to make it happen.”

“Vast no-nonsense skillset with likable combo of humor & client commitment. Responsive, focused and real…a pleasure to brand build with.”

“Peter has a gift for taking people with ideas and connecting them to market needs and business opportunities. But a word to the wise, don’t consider working with Peter unless you are ready to dream big!”

“Today was great and of great value!  It has been a long, LONG time that I have been held captive and captivated for that many hours.  You have some great ideas and great experience and I really do think that today was the start of something that is going to impact thousands and hundreds of thousands…wait, MILLIONS of people in one way or another.  I always live by the motto GO BIG and this is no exception!  Thanks again and I look forward to seeing what we make of this opportunity!”

“Peter was a tremendous asset in helping me launch Axxess Business Centers. His entrepreneurial drive and passion for excellence would be invaluable to any founder looking to turn his dream into reality.”

“Peter has helped me take my latest book and consulting business to a level that I could not have envisioned. His blend of industry savvy coupled with his commitment to his clients is rare air these days! Peter is amazing in that he really understands how to market a book based on the topic and potential. He does not pull any punches in helping the author get there and designs campaigns that get the most out of the book and its message. His contacts for things like endorsements are remarkable. I have been very pleased with his commitment to my project while he has multiple projects going on. It seems like I am his only client.”

“I truly enjoy every interaction with Peter. We’ve developed integrated programs for clients and Peter always drives for smart, integrated, high-impact results. He also has a rare combination of ambition and intelligence balanced with humility and irresistible humor. He’s an excellent business partner and a real life example of the smart opportunities that happen with intelligent, considerate and open networking.”

”Passion, engagement, and hard work! Those are all adjectives that describe my professional experience with Peter Winick as my agent and confidant during 2008. As a fledging speaker with a powerful message Peter worked diligently with me in not only attempting to secure speaking engagements but it providing me with advice and counsel based on his background and experience in the industry. I would endorse Peter to represent anyone interesting in broadening their exposure. There is no substitute for hard work and it’s during these tough economic times that his imagination and commitment will win the day!”

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