Is your thought leadership strategy as solid as a rock? Let's get real—having a strategy…
Do Crazy People Have More Self-Help Books?
Have you ever wondered why there is an odd relationship between the number of diet books in someone’s home and their weight? From my research (which is limited to my personal observations) it seems that the heavier someone is the more diet books they own. Therefore, diet books in the home must be a leading cause of obesity in America.
Or maybe not.
What about self-help books? In my very non-scientific research, I’ve observed that the crazier someone is, the more self-help and personal development books they own. So again, self-help books must be the leading cause of mental instability in the US.
Or not.

Let’s go with “or not” for a moment and transfer that logic (or lack thereof) to business books, leadership books, and sales books. One would think that in a world where information is so readily available for minimal cost that we would all be pretty proficient at sales, management, leadership, innovation, etc. but that isn’t always the case. We have an inability to stay focused and consistently do the hard work that it takes over time. We live in a world of instant gratification. We want it all and we want it now. Amazon has a patent on one click buying because clicking the button twice is pretty exhausting. We no longer text our friends that something is “OK” when “K” will suffice, and we saved a keystroke in the process? Fantastic!
So, here’s my point: becoming a better manager, a better leader, a better sales person, more innovative, or building and nurturing a corporate culture that you are proud of isn’t easy and there are no quick fixes. Find a validated model that resonates with you. Study it and experiment with it. What will the costs be (both hard and soft) of implementing it and what are your expectations relative to outcomes, performance, etc. You should have real measurable goals and desire observable behavior change. Then weigh the costs and decide if you are willing and able to commit. Behavior change that drives measurable business results takes time, energy, focus, and effort. The cost of switching and having a “flavor of the month” mentality is high to you, your team, and your clients.
So get rid of all those diet books and you’ll shed the pounds in no time, ditch a few self-help books and you’ll stabilize your mood swings, prune down your business bookshelf, and focus on the content that will have the desired impact—if you have the discipline to stick with it.
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At 44 years old, I’ve never once heard a State of the Union speech given by the President of the United States that reflected reality. Too often what’s considered “conventional wisdom” and true in America isn’t and every new idea is considered as being “crazy”. So, whose got it right all these presidents who’ve sent our country off-course or those that are, both, diagnosed and undiagnosed expressing a new idea that just maybe true. America has more colleges and world-class universities in the world and more of the population are college graduates holding B.S., M.A. or M.S., PhDs or MDs degrees and yet our country is culturally, economically, financially, politically and socially bankrupt. How could this be? Well, crazy people are running our country, you know the one’s from Harvard, Yale, Princeton…