Transcript Hi, it's Peter Winick. I'm the founder and CEO at Thought Leadership Leverage, and…
Creating great thought leadership is necessary but not sufficient
Hi there, it’s Peter Winick. I’m the founder and CEO at Thought Leadership Leverage, and today I want to chat with you a little bit about the difference between what’s necessary to be a successful thought leader and what’s sufficient.
So, it is necessary to constantly create and produce high quality—the highest quality of thought leadership that you’re capable of. Whether that’s an outcome of research, writing, documenting your work, codifying your ideas, etc., you’ve got to produce that high-quality thought leadership. But that in itself is not sufficient to be commercially successful.
To be commercially successful, you have to have a marketing engine. You have to have resources to help you build that brand, to help you get those ideas out in front of the right people at the right times, so that they can make the smart choice of engaging with you to help them with the problems that you are uniquely qualified to solve.
So just doing more research, just doing more writing, just polishing up those models—necessary, not sufficient.
So, my challenge to you today is this: how much of your time are you spending in that necessary bucket? And where could you go to be more sufficient, to be proficient as a marketer of your thought leadership, so that your business grows, so that you can serve more people, so that you can get better outcomes for those that you’d like to serve?
Love to hear your thoughts.