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Do you have the savvy, systems and processes you need in place?


Hi there, it’s Peter Winick. I’m the founder and CEO at Thought Leadership Leverage, and here’s the idea that I wanted to share with you, and that’s this: There are three things that thought leaders could use a little bit of help with as it relates to the sales side of their business, and that’s this—there’s the systems, there’s the processes, and then there’s the savvy.

Okay, so some thought leaders—not a lot, but some—have that savvy when it comes to sales. They grew up in a sales environment, they’ve trained that way, it’s intuitive to them, etc. So, they’ve got the savvy. Even if you don’t have the savvy, you can compensate for that by having the systems and processes embedded into your business so that the sales side of it is smoother, more effective, and easier, leading to better outcomes. You’re not wasting time talking to potential clients that will never actually engage you.

So, it’s really three things: the savvy, the systems, and the processes. My thought, my suggestion, is for you to take a few moments and reflect on which of those three you have, which you might be lacking, and what you’re going to do and what you can do to fill the gaps that you have.

If you don’t have systems, put the systems in place. If you don’t have processes, think about the processes that you need to make it more effective. And if you don’t have that savvy, think about if that’s something that you can develop a little bit more—something you can read up on, study, because it can be developed. It is a capability that one can develop if one chooses to invest the time and energy to do so. Love to hear what you think.

Peter Winick has deep expertise in helping those with deep expertise. He is the CEO of Thought Leadership Leverage. Visit Peter on Twitter!

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