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Thought Leadership Book Launch Strategy

There are thousands of voices out there, all talking about leadership, organization, and making businesses grow. How can you be heard above the others? How are you going to publish…traditional,…

Is Your Strategy Outdated?

Hi! This is Peter Winick. I'm the founder and CEO of Thought Leadership Leverage. One of the things I ask clients when I first start working with them is: When was the…

Your Strategy Died! Have You Noticed?

Your Strategy Died! Have You Noticed?

We are living in truly remarkable times. Due to multiple factors such as our knowledge of nutrition and exercise, as well as the amazing advances in medicine, it’s quite likely…

Strategy is not the Same as Goal Setting

Peter Winick here with Thought Leadership Leverage. One of the key outcomes of developing a viable strategy is defining your goals. Without having clearly defined goals and carefully chosen tactics…

Are you Using an Isolated Strategy?

Hi, this is Peter Winick from Thought Leadership Leverage, and today I want to talk to you about something that I think is pretty important for thought leaders and authors…

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