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Finding Distribution Partnerships

So most of us spend a lot of our time communicating, writing, serving our followers. The problem with that is that is not high growth based on a marketing strategy…

Rose Fass

Rose Fass

"I had the pleasure of meeting Peter at an authors gathering in Boston. I followed up with a phone call when I returned to New York. Let's just say that…

Content Monetization

All content is an asset. Just because it’s not currently in use doesn’t mean an idea can’t be repurposed through a different lens. Every idea has an audience and a…

Pete Weissman, Communications Strategist

Pete Weissman, Communications Strategist

"Peter Winick unlocks the hidden value that experts leave on the table. Talk with him once, and you'll begin to see it.  Meet with Peter for a strategy session, and you'll discover…

Christopher Avery

Christopher Avery

“If you are looking to add more value while monetizing  your content and expertise, I can’t imagine anyone with more know-how, vision, connections, frameworks, possibilities, and opportunities than Peter. I…

Juliet Funt

Juliet Funt

“Peter is the perfect partner. Not only is he a seemingly endless resource of connections, ideas and brilliant strategy but he has the uncanny ability to push business forward in…

Heidi BK Sloss

Heidi BK Sloss

“I learned about Peter Winick last spring and was intrigued by his website and the conversations we had as I researched his work and expertise. We got to meet over…

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